Our plans

As a company providing an essential public service for customers over the long-term, it's vital that we plan carefully for the future. Links to some of our key planning documents are provided below.

Every five years we prepare a regulatory business plan which is submitted to Ofwat as part of the Price Review process. The plans are based on customer views and cover our performance commitments, efficiency, investments, and bills. Links to documents for the last five year plan 2020-25 (PR19) and the next five year plan 2025-30 (PR24) are provided below.

If you require the documents in an alternative format like large print or braille, please call our Specialist Support team on 0330 0413394 who will arrange for a copy in a format that works for you.

Welsh Water 2050 Review

In our Welsh Water 2050 strategy we committed to review the document every five years. You can find the link to our first Welsh Water 2050 Review below. The report examines the changes in our operating environment over the last five years, and the latest evidence on the long-term trends. It also reports on progress against the 18 Strategic Responses, and what it means for our priorities for the next price review, PR24.

Click here to view the full version of Welsh Water 2050: Review

Click here to view the full version of Welsh Water 2050

Click here to view condensed version of Welsh Water 2050

If you have any queries on Welsh Water 2050, please contact us at welshwater2050@dwrcymru.com

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Our Performance Plan and Review - March 2023

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Climate Change Adaptation Report

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