
Innovation is part of everyday life at Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water. With our unique not for profit operating model in the water industry in England and Wales – where all gains go to customers – we are already innovative.

Being open to new ideas and innovative thinking, adapting to new ways of working and operating more sustainably needs to underpin everything we do. This helps us lower our costs, limit our impact on the environment and provide the best possible service at the most affordable price – all for the benefit of our customers.

Our challenges are set out through our 2050 vision: with a changing climate, regulatory and policy directives and advances in technology, our water and waste water services will look very different by 2050. We will have to balance these changes against a much lower cost base and increased customer engagement and will need to develop more innovative ways of working. Innovation is key to achieving this.

This is an opportunity to explore innovations that could help us achieve our 2050 vision.

We have created an innovation strategy, and individual journey plans, to plan how we will tackle the big challenges facing us in the coming decades.

Our Innovation Process

Our 2050 Vision

We're always open to new ideas. If you have an idea, product, technology or research proposal that aligns with the challenges in our 2050 vision, we're always open to hearing about it.

View our challenges

Submit your idea

Submit your idea to us by accessing our online portal.

Or, if you feel your innovation aligns to all water companies, you may want to consider submitting your idea to the Ofwat Innovation Competition.

Our Response

We'll then review your idea and reply within 12 weeks.

For details of how we we look after your Personal Information, please click here