Are you Weir Aware?

Weirs can be found on many rivers across Welsh Water’s operating area, some will belong to Welsh Water, others may be owned by the local authority, National Resources Wales, The Environment Agency or private companies or individuals.

Weirs are man-made dam like features constructed within a river. Their aim is to control and/or monitor the water flow within the river. Within the water industry they can be used to help ensure that there are adequate water levels to allow water extractions and/or to help protect our assets (such as water or sewer pipes) where they need to cross the river.

Weirs can look harmless or maybe even seen as fun, or a challenge to navigate with a canoe, paddle board or other craft. However, they can present a significant hazard, which in the right conditions can cause significant harm or prove to be fatal. If you are planning to swim, paddle or undertake any activities around the vicinity of a weir, make sure that you are aware of the potential risks so that you can make the best decisions when it comes to your planned activity.

Think about

  • Learn about weirs and the hazards they can pose. A good reference site can be found below.
  • Are there any warning signs? Take note of what they say and follow their instructions.
  • Do not get too close to the weir, in some conditions they may create a retentive feature which can trap you and any equipment. You may not be able to paddle/ swim away. This can be a bit like getting stuck in a washing machine.
  • The structure may create strong currents and hide objects and create areas of deep water. These may not be obvious from the surface of the river. There may be areas of deep cold water.
  • Do not walk on the surface of the Weir. It will be made of hard materials and is likely to be slippery.
  • Be aware of river levels and how these impact on conditions at the weir. This is especially important if the Weir is in a tidal area, as river levels and tide height will impact on the conditions at the weir. Not all weirs are dangerous, but some are dangerous some or all of the time.
  • If in doubt, get out and walk with any equipment around the weir.

Welsh Water are currently reviewing their weirs and where required producing public safety information. As this work is completed information will be published here:

Generic Document Thumbnail

Haverfordwest Weir

PDF, 501.2kB

Health and safety public notice for Haverfordwest Town Weir.