Dwr Cymru Welsh Water Placed in ICS Top 50 Companies for Customer Satisfaction
30 January 2020
It was announced on the 23rd January that Welsh Water are the first ever water company to place in the top 50 of a national survey on customer satisfaction carried out by the Institute of Customer Service (ICS). Welsh Water were the top-rated Utility company in the UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI), beating the rest of the Water and Energy Sector.
ICS carry out six-monthly online surveys of consumers to measure customer satisfaction which covers 13 sectors of the economy. Overall, the average score for all companies has slipped to 76.9 with the utilities sector average being 72.3.
Welsh Water scored 80.4 in the survey, placing in the top 20% of companies as a whole, 45th out of 259 companies across the UK.
Alun Shurmer, Customer Strategy & Engagement Director said “a huge thank you and well done to our colleagues for this great achievement. With the introduction of C-MeX (the new regulatory measure of customer satisfaction), this is a great step in the right direction, and reinforces that we’re doing the right thing for our customers and keeping in mind that every moment matters. This will ensure we will deliver on our vision to earn the trust of our customers every day.”