Understanding the sources of phosphorus in our rivers
Too much phosphorus in our rivers can cause algal blooms which in turn affect the amount of oxygen available in the water and can harm wildlife.
As a result, its presence in our rivers is now subject to a lot of attention, with more and more people and organisations who care about our rivers wanting to know where it comes from, and what the solutions are.
That is why Natural Resources Wales and Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water (DCWW) are working together on research which will evidence what the different contributing factors are to phosphorus levels in our rivers. The reports focus on our rivers designated as Special Areas of Conservation.
The modelling approach will be used to develop plans for future wastewater investments to help ensure SAC rivers achieve water quality targets. See Natural Resources Wales / Compliance Assessment of Welsh River SACs Against Phosphorus Targets.
To understand Dwr Cymru’s contribution to the phosphorus load to the rivers, and to assess any improvements we may need to make to our wastewater treatment works’ discharges, we have updated and re-calibrated our water quality models using the regulator and industry standard tool known as SAGIS (Source Apportionment Geographical Information System). This was a joint exercise run in collaboration with our environmental regulator.
Dwr Cymru are pleased to publish key documents on our website relating to this modelling work and communicate the investment Dwr Cymru is planning which will support the collaborative efforts to restore them to favourable conservation status whilst supporting the economic development Wales needs to be a thriving community.