WaterSource 23 Conference

Demonstrating Positive Progress was held on Wednesday 4th October 2023 at the Marriott Hotel, Cardiff.

The aim of this conference was to showcase just a few of the diverse and exciting collaborations and initiatives that we are delivering with our partners to protect our drinking water sources, as well as delivering multiple benefits that will help to address the Nature and Climate Emergencies we are facing.

Over 70 attendees from Welsh Government, Regulators, NGOs and other key organisations, attended the event, and got to hear about a broad range of our projects, everything from the latest technologies for in-situ water quality monitoring, cutting-edge academic research into T&O, multi-media campaigns to drive behavioural change, and innovative ways of collaborating with farmers and land managers to establish best practice land management.

The keynote speech was delivered by Debra Bowen-Rees, one of Welsh Water’s Non-Executive Directors, Mark Davies, Director of Water Services provided the welcome and Tony Harrington, Director of Environment was the compere and master in charge of the event.

Materials from the day are available here

WaterSource 2023 Agenda

115.7kB, PDF