Guidance for the Amenity Sector

We know that pesticides play an essential role and everyday role for professional pesticide users across the amenity sector. 

 Although highly regulated, there is still a risk they can affect people, water and wildlife if they are stored, used or disposed of incorrectly. 

Our PestSmart initiative aims to reduce the risk of pesticides entering watercourses. We know everyone can play their part, so we’ve created some useful best practice awareness materials and included some links below to further information.

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Natural Resources Wales Pack

PDF, 152.9kB

Our information pack is available for download below.

Operating near water or on a protected site?

If so, you may need an agreement with the environmental regulator before you start any work. See links below to the relevant agency.

Further Information

Publications Organisations 
Best Practice Guidance – The “10 Golden Rules” 
(Amenity Forum)
Amenity Forum
Guidance on storing pesticides for farmers and other professional users
Health and Safety Executive
Code of Practise for Invasive Non-Native Species Control Provisions in Wales
(Welsh Government)
Welsh Government
Harmful (injurious) weeds and invasive non-native species
(Welsh Government) 
Natural Resources Wales
  National Sprayer Testing Scheme

Available downloads

PestSmart Booklet - Guidance for the Amenity Sector

1.3MB, PDF

Printable best practice A4 poster

694.8kB, PDF