The Beacons Water Group Approach

Our partnership with BWG and the sharing of experiences, embracing and trialling of new ways of working, operates on the understanding that no idea is a bad idea and encourages creative thinking among its members.

The Group is challenged to develop win-win solutions focusing on the desired outcome that will bring long term benefits to both our drinking water catchments and the farming community.

Using our data and information, such as the hydrological flow mapping, the BWG are changing land management to benefit water quality across the 1103 hectares which they farm, without compromising their farm business needs.

Uniquely, we also provide a stipend to the Group, acknowledging their effort and time taken away from their businesses to build this pioneering partnership.

BWG is now widely regarded in the area as a ‘go to’ organisation for constructive input into other environmentally focused projects such as the BBMC, Usk Catchment Partnership, the 4 Rivers4LIFE project and the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority management plan. They are also a source of information and inspiration for other farmers and evolving farmer cluster groups. Their work has also influenced Welsh Government’s new Sustainable Farming Scheme proposals.

Working in collaboration