Conservation and biodiversity

Welsh Water has directly contributed to biodiversity through the improved quality of its discharges to the marine and freshwater environments.

As a large landowner and a water company with processes and activities that can have a direct influence on the environment, we are committed to enhancing biodiversity within our own landholdings and also to ensuring that our operations do not adversely affect biodiversity value in our rivers and seas.

Major investments in new treatment works and improvements in the combined sewer overflows during the past 10 years have been a significant factor in environmental improvements and enhanced marine and freshwater habitat.

We target investment at key areas: improving the quality of treated water that our wastewater treatment works discharge; protecting rivers and coastal areas from pollution during storms and ensuring that our processes operate with minimum impact on local communities.

We take our responsibility as a major landowner and guardian of some of Wales's most important wildlife sites very seriously. We continue to avoid or minimise environmental impacts from our activities and, wherever possible, to maximise opportunities for nature conservation and enhancement. With 60% of our land being of national conservation and biodiversity importance, and a continual capital investment programme, we are very much committed to the responsible management of our operational and construction activities.

Biodiversity Plan

Our Plan describes how our business interacts with nature. It highlights what we are already doing and will continue to do across the business to support nature and biodiversity.

We welcome your comments on the Plan, particularly ideas on how it could be improved. Your views will be taken into account when we review our Plan in 2023. We also welcome the opportunity to work collaboratively across our operational areas.

Please email us at

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Biodiversity Strategy 2022

PDF, 3.4MB

Our biodiversity strategy sets out our ambitions, objectives, and action plan to maintain and enhance biodiversity and ecological resilience across our operational assets and landholdings, within the fulfilment of our functions. The strategy enables the business to continue delivering its core functions whilst supporting our environmental regulator – Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and Welsh Government to address the biodiversity crisis we face. In so doing we will help to safeguard our environment for future generations to come, and meet the expectations of customers.
Pyramidal orchid

Doing the right thing

for nature

Read about what we have done to meet our Biodiversity duty in our 2019 report. Our next report will be published in 2022.
Bee on an orchid

Making time for


Read our latest plan for maintaining and enhancing Biodiversity: