Projects we've supported so far in our communities

Here are some examples of projects that have been successful through our community fund and volunteering partnerships.

Mumbles Skate Park in Swansea

We were pleased to support this excellent community space set up by Mumbles Community Council via our Dwr Cymru community fund to contribute towards litter picking stations to keep the skate park clean and tidy. The skatepark is now complete and packed from dawn to dusk with people of all ages having fun.

Memory lane group

It was great to hear that with help from Dwr Cymru Community Fund we were able to make two momentous occasions special for members of the Memory Lane group in Rhayader, Powys, Betty's 96th and Val’s 80th birthdays were just a couple of the events that were made possible.

Blood Bikes Wales

We love hearing from the community groups we help via our Community Fund! Big thanks to Blood Bikes Wales for sharing their success story of using rainwater to fill an essential tank & keep their lifesaving bike fleet clean - a big shout out to these volunteers!

Gardd Enfys in Cardigan

Gardd Enfys in Cardigan were successful in receiving £5,000 from our new revamped community fund. The funding is supporting the creation of a school garden, to give our pupils a practical insight into the natural world and to instil an appreciation and respect for nature that will last them into adulthood. The project is still ongoing.

Pwllheli litter pick


litter pick

As part of 2023 volunteering week, a group of Welsh Water staff from our wastewater network and capital team along with our contractor partners, Alun Griffiths came together in Pwllheli to carry out a litter pick at a nature reserve in the town. The waste and capital teams had been working together in the area to carry out a repair on a wastepipe following a collapse on a sewer. The group enjoyed a morning at Pwllheli nature reserve to help clear the paths and green spaces of litter as a way to give back to the community they were working in.

Cilcain farm

Cilcain farm were successful and received £500 towards their community garden which supports local residents with companionship and gardening. They grow crops which are then sold to the local community. Our teams up North supported the group with volunteering in the summer, building trellises and planting vegetables, alongside the community fund.

Penllergaer woodlands

Penllergaer woodlands in Swansea was successful in receiving £500 from the community fund which was put towards creating an educational garden at their education centre. This centre and garden will provide local community and children a chance to spend time in nature and learn about the environment with their education teachers. The team also supported the group with volunteering.

Hereford foodbank

Hereford foodbank were also successful through the community fund receiving £250 - which was matched by Morgan Sindall totalling £500. We then worked to collect food from sites across linea and Hereford to provide the foodbank. We had a great turnout of goods and the funding will go towards supporting vulnerable people around Hereford.

Flinshare Gardens volunteer day

Flinshare Gardens

volunteer day

As part of our £2 million investment to discontinue two reservoirs in Cilcain near Mold and restore the natural riverbed of the Nant Gain River, our capital team along with our dam safety team spent the day volunteering at the local community garden. Flintshare garden is ran by local volunteers who work together to grow vegetables and plants to distribute in the local community. The team lent a hand with all kinds of work including fencing, planting, weeding and composting.  The project also donated a bridge that was no longer needed from site along with some surplus materials to improve the access track for the volunteers to community gardens.


Panathlon is a national charity which gives young people with disabilities and additional learning needs the opportunity to take part in competitive sport. The charity sporting programmes – which include multi-skills, swimming, football, 10-pin bowling and boccia – give participants the opportunity to represent their school in sporting competitions that they are often otherwise denied.

In recognition for the charity’s fantastic work across North Wales, Panathlon received a donation of £5,000 from the 2023 Welsh Water Community Fund. The funding allowed the charity to invest in specialist equipment, hire of venues for sporting events, and staff training for their sporting programmes.

SEN teacher Iola Jones from Ysgol Pendalar in Caernarfon, a special school whose pupils have competed in multiple Panathlon events, said “Competitions are usually not available and tailored for our children, but the pupils now love bringing back their medals to show in the school assembly – a first for many of them.”

Phil Thomas, Deputy Head Teacher at Ysgol Tir Morfa in Rhyl, said: “Since the Covid pandemic, Panathlon have been virtually the sole organisers of such events for pupils with additional needs.”

Furthermore, Welsh Water are proud to continue supporting the charity in years to come through volunteering activities, with the first event due to take place later this month in Wrexham, North Wales.