Darren Pope

Darren Pope

Non-Executive Director

Appointed: January 2025


Darren is a qualified accountant with 10 years of Non-Executive Director experience across many types of Financial Services listed businesses. His executive career was primarily within the retail banking sector where he held senior and board level positions in Lloyds Bank and TSB Bank, the latter as the group CFO. He has gained extensive experience of leading large and complex Finance, Treasury and Strategy teams as well as oversighting enterprise risk management systems and processes in heavily regulated environments. He brings experience of both M&A and raising funds in public markets and leading large transformation programmes.

Current other Non-Executive positions

Darren is the Audit Chair of Hargreaves Lansdown and the Audit Chair at Starling Bank.

Previous Non-Executive positions

Chair of Silicon Valley Bank UK (subsequently HSBC Innovation Bank), Chair of Remuneration Committee at Virgin Money PLC, Chair of Audit Committee and Senior Independent Director at Network International, Chair of Audit Committee and Senior Independent Director at Equiniti.

Committee membership

Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee. Member of the Performance and Safety Committee, and Remuneration Committee.