Welsh Water partners with Wales YFC on roadshow for young farmers

As part of our ongoing innovative partnership with Wales Young Farmers Clubs (YFC) we have taken part in the first of a series of roadshows across Wales.

It was great to see around 50 young farmers and their families attending at Monmouthshire Livestock Market to hear about WaterSource, how catchment management works and what external elements can affect our work.

WaterSource is the name we give our catchment management approach to looking after the land, rivers and reservoirs to protect our drinking water for years to come. As part of this approach we work with farmers, landowners and a wide range of interested parties to ensure that the water we treat as is as clean as it can be before it reaches us. That means we can then use fewer chemicals and less energy to treat it.

Welsh Water Catchment Partnership Coordinator Dan Humphreys, who gave the talk, said afterwards: "The audience listened closely to our presentation as we outlined exactly what catchment management is. And there were some interesting questions and discussions afterwards, with a lot of interest shown in our hydrological flow maps and the work we do with facilitated farmer groups."

Lee Pritchard, Rural Affairs Officer for Wales YFC, said: "It was great to see such a turn out for the first Welsh Water and Wales YFC joint roadshow presentations at Monmouthshire Livestock Market, an excellent chance to launch the WaterSource Champion scheme but also a very informative talk highlighting the importance of the journey that our water makes from source to tap."

Our next roadshow will take place in Anglesey on Wednesday 26th April.

If you would like to find out more about our collaboration with Wales YFC, you can visit our webpages or email watersource@dwrcymru.com.