Water Treatment Works

Cwm Taf Water Supply Strategy

Investing in new and resilient water treatment works and associated facilities which will provide our customers with a safe, reliable supply of clean drinking water for decades to come.

Welcome to our consultation

10th July – 9th September 2024

The information on this consultation site outlines the proposal for the Dan-y-Castell Water Treatment Works.

This is a non-statutory consultation and is designed to share with you the need for the investment, our proposals, and receive your feedback on these revised proposals ahead of undertaking a statutory consultation.

Our proposal for Dan-y-Castell Water Treatment Works

The split-site solution has enabled us to review suitable locations to accommodate a new smaller water treatment works in the Merthyr Tydfil area and a new pumping station at our existing Pontsticill Water Treatment Works.

We have created a virtual consultation room where you will find information about the proposal and how you can provide your views. Please make sure you visit the additional information on the main table within the virtual room, as well as view the visualisations provided on the screen.

Have your say

Now we have some revised proposals, we want to hear your views.

Please take the time to read our consultation materials and then complete our forms to share your feedback.

There are separate forms for each proposal so we can ensure that any feedback received will be specific to each proposal. We have colour coded the forms for clarity. We welcome and encourage feedback on both proposals, for those who wish to comment on both you will need to complete the two feedback forms.

View the consultation in a new window.

How to submit feedback

If you are unable to respond via one of the above channels, please call us on 0800 052 0130 to discuss alternative ways of sharing your feedback.

The closing date for responses is 23:59 on Monday 9th September 2024.

Your feedback is important to us and will help us shape and develop our proposals further, prior to us undertaking a statutory consultation, where the local community and stakeholders will again have the opportunity to review and provide comments on our plans.