Welsh Water supporting local agriculture

Welsh Water is looking for groups of farmers who would be interested in working with us to help safeguard drinking water supplies.

We have only limited ownership of the land from which we captures drinking water. To ensure the water is as clean as it can be before it reaches our water treatment works, we’re looking to work with farmer groups in our catchments to come up with new or innovative land management ideas that will protect our sources now and for years to come.

“Despite every care and effort, some agricultural activities and practices can adversely affect water quality,” said Catchment Partnership Coordinator Alwyn Roberts. “We are looking to work with groups in our catchments to find opportunities to improve water quality which are mutually beneficial for farming efficiency, as well as biodiversity and the wider environment.”

“We are offering funded facilitated groups, in Welsh or English, to support new ideas which could range from bringing in expert speakers to organising exchange visits, or from sharing some of the risks associated with trialling new approaches to scaling up ideas to be incorporated into business as usual for the group members.”

If you are interested in setting up or joining a group and would like to find out more, please email watersource@dwrcymru.com.

Map showing Welsh Water catchments.