Innovation in Procurement

Welsh Water are keen to learn about product and service development through our Procurement and Tender processes, but if suppliers have some new ground-breaking innovative products and solutions, Welsh Waters Innovation Team are open to hearing from you at any time, all year round.

We are open to all types of innovation, but particularly focused on improving efficiency, reducing our impact on the environment, and providing a better service to our customers by overcoming challenges such as those listed below:

  • Safeguarding Clean Drinking Water Through Catchment Management
  • Improving the Reliability of Drinking Water Supply Systems
  • Assuring Affordability of Service to Customers
  • Supporting Ecosystems and Biodiversity
  • Leading Edge Customer Service
  • Using Nature to Reduce Flood and Pollution
  • Promoting a Circular Economy and Combatting Climate Change

A key part of innovation is the fostering of ideas and the development of an environment in which our people are encouraged to innovate and take reasonable risks to test their ideas. One of our company values is to be ‘open to new ideas’. Continuing to build improved capacity and resilience in our people is key. Individuals can share new ideas, technologies, and products, that may act as a catalyst to bring innovation into the business.

Each project considered by the forum must contribute towards meeting the challenges set out in our 2050 Vision. For further information, please go to innovation, where you can also submit your innovative ideas to us by using our form.